April 27, 2012


Not many pictures from stations today as we are getting ready for our Mother's Day Tea.  There should be an invitation in the Friday Folders today.

We did take some time out to do some independent reading and of course, worked on some math.


Our Wisconsin Fast Plants are quickly growing!  This week we talked about the importance of transplanting plants.  We even transplanted some of our plants out of their quads to give the Fast Plants more room to grow.

We then began work on our Life Cycle project.  The kids have all selected either a plant or an animal to research their life cycle and find out some interesting facts.  Their final project will be to present their information using a power point presentation.


This week we learned a new game in math called Factor Bingo.  The kids create a bingo card and then draw just one card.  Using the number on that card, they see how many products they can cross out.  It has been a challenge!

Keep practicing those multiplication facts!

April 20, 2012

Mrs. Hartsock and Elise visit!

We all enjoyed seeing Mrs. Hartsock and Elise this afternoon.  The kids brought in tons of books so Mrs. Hartsock will have plenty to read!  Thanks to Denise Busch and Bobbie Peiffer for the delicious cupcakes!

Hair Wars

On Thursday of this week the Mid-Prairie Middle School STP Music students came to perform their play "Hair Wars."  This was a combination of "Little Red Riding Hood" (they used Little Pink Riding Hood), Goldilocks and Rapunzel all wrapped up into one interesting story.  Goldilocks and Little Pink Riding Hood, and Rapunzel were all in a hair contest.  That is where the problems began, from selling grandma's house to declaring the winner.   They did a great job...of course my favorite character was Pa Pa Bear. :)


This week we planted our plants for our Life Cycle Unit.  The kids have been amazed at how fast they are growing!  We also discussed what things have a life cycle, what are the stages of the life cycles and began looking up plants and animals to find their life cycles.

Mid-Prairie FFA

On Tuesday the M-P FFA students came and share information about agriculture with our third grade students.  They talked about where hamburger came from, planted pea plants, worked together to make structures and enjoyed a treat of dirt and worms.  Thanks for coming!

April 12, 2012

A short week...

Just a quick summary of the week:

  • Thursday we started multiplying larger numbers.  We use what is called the Partial Product algorithm.  It is much different than the way we learned!  Yes, it is o.k. to teach the kids our "old fashion way" when helping with homework.
  • I know it has gotten warmer and is beginning to feel like summer...but we still have homework to do!  Our averages have gone down since the weather has warmed.  Please remember the kids have math homework every night except Friday.  Remember to return the practice timed tests too!
  • In reading we are working on a new novel called The Legend of Jimmy Spoon.  In the story a young man runs away to get a horse from the Indians.  It is a great book showing how Native American's lived in the 1800's.  A perfect fit to our social studies unit.
  • Next week we will be doing a craft that will require a wire hanger.  If you have one at home we could use, please send it to school by Friday.  Yes, it will be returned to you in one piece. 
  • We have enjoyed checking in on the eagles, they are really growing!  This week we also began our last science unit based on different types of life cycles.
  • Remember the baby shower for Mrs. Hartsock is next week on Friday, April 20th.  If you plan on giving Elise a book, please have it at school by Thursday.
  • Special Events next week:
    • Mid-Prairie FFA will be coming to talk to both third grade classes on Tuesday.
    • The middle school will perform their skit on Wednesday of next week.
    • Mrs. Hartsock's shower is on Friday of next week.
  • We will try on having pictures to next week's blog - been too busy in the classroom this week!

April 4, 2012

A quick summary...for a short week!

Welcome Elizabeth!  We have a new student who joined Mrs. Bender's class this week.  Elizabeth Sansen began at Kalona on Monday.  We have enjoyed having her in class.

A fun visitor!  Miss Flynn came back and spent Thursday visiting.  It was fun seeing her and listening about her new job.

  • Math: We finished up the fraction chapter today.  Our next unit will work on multiplying two and three digit problems.  Keep on those multiplication facts!  Due to the lack of practice tests being returned, we now will begin adding that score to the final grades.  They should do a 1/2 sheet of practice every night.
  • Reading: We have finished up our novel unit Dear Levi and have begun our new novel unit, The Legend of Jimmy Spoon.  In this story we follow the life of a pioneer boy who runs away to live with the Indians.  Lots of fun adventures!

Singing in Spanish class
  • Science: We wrapped up our water unit this week.  The kids finished their research and also began presenting their results of their experiments.
  • All three of the eaglets are out of their shell.  Check out the website over spring break, they are changing daily!
  • Mrs. Brenneman: Mrs. Brenneman now has an email account.  Feel free to contact her directly, or continue contacting Mrs. Bender if you have any questions.  bbrenneman@mid-prairie.k12.ia.us
  • Notes when home today about Mrs. Hartsock's baby shower.  Contact Denise Busch if you have any questions.  dbusch@mid-prairie.k12.ia.us