October 22, 2010

This 'N That

• If you have not yet returned your bright green P/T conference scheduling form, please do asap so that we can finalize conference schedules.  Thanks so much to families who have already returned the form. You'll soon receive a note with your conference time/date.

• In today's Friday folder you'll find a note regarding the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills that 3rd graders will be taking Nov. 1 - 12.  This will be the first year for your child to take the ITBS, so we've been doing some practice tests in class.  Please note that it will be especially important for students to get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast each morning.  It is also VERY helpful to avoid scheduling appointments/events that cause your child to miss school during this time, as it can be challenging for students to make up the tests and will cause them to miss out on other class activities when they are making up testing.  Please return the bottom portion of the note if you are willing to provide a healthy snack for your child's class (19 students) during testing.

• It's beginning to feel like Fall!  Be sure your student comes dressed for outside recess - it has been quite chilly during morning recess, and some children have not had warm enough clothing.

• We hope you plan to attend the Pasta for the Playground/Book Fair event on Tuesday, Nov. 16 from 5-7 pm.  Click here to read the details.

And finally, photos from our stations this afternoon:

Smart board - contractions memory

Smart board - Contractions practice

Decorating placemats for American Education Week

 Playing Mancala, an African game that was mentioned in our reading story this week.

Catching up on math and language skills work

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