October 10, 2011


I am trying something new this year with the Math Journal.  You may have noticed that pages are being sent home this year.  You may have also noticed that some of the pages are not complete.  The pages are not sent home until the assigned work has been completed.  The pages that are coming home, which are not complete, are the pages we did not have time to do here at school.  Feel free to use them as practice pages at home.  The are an excellent way to review the math concepts.

We finished our first Chapter in the math book and that test will be coming home this week.  Our next chapter will focus on story problems and adding and subtracting larger digit problems.  We will teach the kids the "Partial Sum Method" for adding 2 to 3 digit problems.  However, it is fine to use the basic adding method we adults use to add the problem.  Remember with this math series it is o.k. to use a variety of processes to solve a problem.

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