November 14, 2011

Laura Ingalls Wilder Day

We're very excited about an upcoming event in third grade - Laura Day!  The big day will be on Friday, December 2nd.  A note was sent home today requesting parent volunteers to help us with this special day (see info below).

In addition to needing parent volunteers for our big day, we could also use metal juice can lids (from frozen  juice containers such as orange juice) for one of our crafts.  If you have juice lids that you could donate, send them to school with your child anytime.

Below is a copy of the note sent home requesting volunteers  - drop your child's teacher a note or an e-mail if you can help out. :)

Dear Parents,
On Friday, December 2, the third graders will be having their annual Laura Ingalls Wilder Day.  We are reading  The Little House on the Prairie for our novel unit in reading, so we have a lot of background information covered.  Now it is time to try some real-life experiences that Laura and other pioneer families would experience.
Throughout the day we will be baking bread, cooking applesauce, making pumpkin pudding and doing crafts that pioneers would have done.  We will also be spending some time using some web sites about Laura and her family.  
This is a lot to squeeze into a school day, so we need some parent help!  Below is a form for our volunteers to complete and return to school by November 28th.  
Thank you for your help!
Mrs. Hartsock
Ms. Flynn
Mrs. Bender
Yes, I can come and help at:
______ all day (8:30-3:15)
______ in the morning (8:30-11:30)
______ in the afternoon (12:15-3:15)

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