This week's shared story was
The Keeping Quilt, by Patricia Polacco. We enjoyed reading this story about an heirloom quilt that is passed down in the author's family as we began our second reading theme, Celebrating Traditions. Ask your child to tell you the story of how the quilt was made, and who got to use the quilt.
Students enjoyed watching a YouTube clip of the author, Patricia Polacco, telling about this book at an assembly when she visited with students in Colorado. The students loved "seeing" the actual quilt on the video! We also had fun talking about quilts and seeing some beautiful quilts/quilted wallhangings that belong to teachers and students at KE. Mrs. Juilfs, a fourth grade teacher who is an avid quilter shared some of her creations, and Mrs. Hartsock brought in some quilts/wallhangings that she and her mom made. Several students also brought in quilts that were made especially for them as babies! Lastly, we constructed paper pumpkin quilt blocks and put together our own class quilt. We also enjoyed reading some of the other books written by Polacco.
Mrs. Juilfs' quilts
The Keeping Quilt
A baby quilt!
Mrs. H.'s quilts
More baby quilts!
Watching the video of Polacco showing the actual Keeping Quilt
Making our paper pumpkin quilt