September 11, 2012

Rainbows program

                                                                                                                               Sept. 10, 2012
Dear Parents,
            When something significant happens in a family, the entire family is affected. Things like death, divorce, or other types of losses have a profound effect on children, as well as grown-ups. Everyone grieves. Sometimes, because of their age or developmental level, children find it difficult to verbalize their feelings of grief.
            Three years ago, a K-8th grade program called “Rainbows” was started to help children deal with these losses.  The program will be held at Kalona Elementary School after school hours for grades K-6 and the Middle School for 7th and 8th graders during lunchtime. We have caring, well-trained adults who will be sensitive to your child’s needs while they work on helping your child put their feelings into words, build a stronger self-esteem, and accept the changes taking place in the family. Children in “Rainbows’ will be grouped in small groups of similar aged peers. K-6th graders will meet on Thursdays starting Sept. 27 from 3:45-4:30 pm. There is no fee or charge to join “Rainbows”.  Transportation home after the meetings is the parents responsibility but if you need help with this please call Kelly Galiher at 319-863-3079 (cell). If you are interested in your child(ren) joining “Rainbows” please fill out the form below and the emergency contact form attached to this and return both to your child’s school by Sept. 21, 2012.
             For more information about the program visit or contact Janet Ferry at 319-325-2178 or e-mail You may also contact Nora Kehoe at any of the elementary schools or e-mail with questions or concerns.

Child(ren)’s Name(s): _______________________________________________________
Age(s)/Grade(s): _____________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ Phone: _______________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Please check for your child(ren):
                        (  ) I have experienced the death of __________________
                        (  ) My parents are divorced or going through a divorce.
                        (  ) My loss is _______________________________ (please explain).

(Please print)

Participant’s Name:__________________________________________________________
Nickname:  _____________________________________          Age ____________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________
Home Phone __________________________________________________________________
Work Phone _________________________________ Cell ____________________________
Parents/Guardians Names __________________________________________________
Is address same as above?       Yes    No
If no,  please provide address________________________________________________
Person we can call in case of an emergency:
Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Relationship to child __________________________________________________________
Phone numbers  _______________________________________________________________
Allergies or medical information regarding your child we should be aware of? _______________________________________________________________________
Other information you would like us to know? _____________________________
Who has permission to pick up your child? _________________________________
Relationship to child __________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Date _____________

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