April 29, 2011

Visiting author, Sharon Rexroth

Last week KE students and staff were fortunate to meet an Iowa author, Sharon Rexroth.  Mrs. Rexroth shared with us how she got the idea to write her first book, Iowa From The Sky, as well as other books that she has written.

It was fun to see our town, Kalona, featured in her book when she read it aloud to us.  We also learned lots of "secrets," or interesting facts about the cities and towns in Iowa that are featured in her book.

April 27, 2011

All Elementary Yearbooks

A note from KE secretary, Mrs. Schlabaugh -

Something new and exciting!

We have an all elementary yearbook published this year.  :)

It will feature all three elementary schools so the kids can see their friends from
the other schools.

The price of the book is $8.00.  We will be sending home flyers for each family
to order this week.  
The orders and money are due Monday May 9th, 2011.
Yearbook order forms and payment envelopes are going home this week.
We are also giving families the opportunity to reach out to someone in need by
Donating extra yearbooks.

If you have any questions feel free to call me at the KE office and I will be happy to help you.
Doreen Schlabaugh

April 19, 2011

Stride for Pride Scheduled

Stride for Pride will be held on Tuesday, May 10th, at the high school from 1:00-2:30.  This is the athletic booster club and the elementary PE department's major fundraiser each year.  This allows the purchase of more costly equipment such as gymnastics mats and cup stacking supplies that the normal budget would not allow.  Fundraising packets will be sent home soon.

If you'd like to accompany the students for this fun outdoor event, please let your child's homeroom teacher know (Mrs. Bailey requests at least one parent chaperone per class).  

Student should wear athletic shoes for this event (no sandals/flip-flops!), and should dress appropriately for an afternoon of activity at the track. In addition, this year students are not to bring water bottles as there will be water provided at the high school.  They also need to put on their sunscreen at home and are encouraged to wear a hat if they so desire.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Bailey or your child's homeroom teacher.

April 15, 2011

Laura Ingalls Wilder Day Info

You'll receive a hard copy of this information too . . .

On Friday, April 29th, the third graders will be participating in Laura Ingalls Wilder Day.  Since they are studying Native Americans and pioneers in Social Studies and fiction book arrangement and fiction authors in library, we are teaming up to study about Laura Ingalls Wilder and enjoy activities of that time period.
Throughout the day we will be baking bread, cooking applesauce, making pumpkin pudding, and doing crafts.  We will need some supplies and are asking for your help in that area.

Please send the items listed below with your child on Friday, April 29th.  Thank you for your help!
·       2 apples for applesauce
·       1 cereal bowl for snack
·       1 spoon for snack
·       small labeled hammer (if available)
·       looms and hooks for potholders (if you have any available - we have lots, so don't worry if you don't have these) 

Friday Stations

While the rain fell and the wind blew, we were cozy inside working on our stations!

Coloring quilt blocks for the Kalona Chamber coloring contest

Creating watering cans for ceiling art

Completing Native American poem posters
Learning to play Oregon Trail II

Math games

Language Skills

We continue to review some of the grammar lessons we've covered earlier in the year. This week students practiced writing singular and plural possessives (and did a good job remembering when to use 's or s').  Students are also wrapping up our review of the cursive alphabet in our handwriting books, and got to show off their cursive writing skills by writing a Native American poem in cursive to make a poster.

Poster making- writing carefully in cursive!

Social Studies

We continued to learn about the Plains Indians this week.  Students practiced their note taking skills by creating outlines when reading chapters from the book "If You Lived With The Sioux Indians . . ." with a buddy.  They did a GREAT job identifying interesting facts from the sections of the book that they read, and we look forward to sharing our facts next week.

Sharing our story skins from last week

 Reading "If I Lived With The Sioux Indians . . ."


Both reading groups are currently reading our second novel, Dear Levi.  This book is a series of letters written by Austin, a boy traveling west on a wagon train, to his younger brother Levi who has stayed behind in Pennsylvania.  We're learning lots of interesting information about life on the Overland Trail.

Painting covers to look like calico fabric for our Dear Levi journals

Buddy reading

Author Visit

The Iowa author, Sharon Rexroth, will be visiting our school on April 18th.   If you would like to look at her web site – it is <http://fromtheskybooks.com/About_the_Author.html>.
Mrs. Sojka will be reading "America from the sky" and "Iowa from the sky" to all classes in library prior to her visit.  
Ms. Rexroth will be selling and autographing books - check out the flyer that was sent home if you'd like to order a book.  Remember the author visit is MONDAY, April 18, so students wishing to get an autographed book must bring their order form on Monday.

April 14, 2011

Everyday Math Apps for iphone, ipad, and ipod touch

Mr. Slaubaugh (KE teacher) found a great deal and has shared the following:

Everyday Math has developed about 9 game apps that can be played on the i-pad, i-pod or I-phone.  April 13-16th these games are free, normally they are $1.99 each.  

(Mrs. Hartsock downloaded these apps, and played a few of the games.  The verdict:  they are pretty cool! . . . and it's hard to beat FREE apps!) :) Locate the apps by searching in the education category of the app store.

Fundraiser Pick Up Reminder

Please pick up and deliver Partytime items(frozen food, novelty items, flowers, etc.) this Tuesday, April 19 from 3-6pm at the Kalona Elementary Gym.  Thank you for earning $4,119.14 profit towards the final phase of the KE Playground Project which will be completed June 2011 because of your efforts!  

Thank you,
KE Playground Project Committee

April 8, 2011

This 'N That

• Thanks to all who have already volunteered to help with our upcoming special event, Laura Ingalls Wilder Day, on April 29.  Please contact Mrs. Bender or Mrs. Hartsock if you would like to help out on this fun day!

• In your child's Friday folder you'll find a bright green sheet with information regarding free dental sealants for third graders via Washington County Public Health.  Please complete and return this form.

• Some families have not yet returned Spring Picture packets or payment.  If you'd like to purchase your child's pictures, please send payment ASAP.  If you don't wish to keep them, return the photos.

• Our snack stashes are getting low - we'd appreciate "brain food" donations for both classrooms.  Students especially like snacks on testing days.

• Registration info - next year we'll be using e-registration for the 2011-2012 school year.  Click here to learn more about it!

Visited by the FFA

This week members of the Mid-Prairie FFA class came and spoke to the kids about agriculture.  The kids needed to come up with a definition of agriculture, figure out what parts of a hamburger were related to agriculture and were even able to plant their own pea seed for their spring garden.


Mrs. Hartsock's class has finished their planet brochures and shared them with the class this week.  Hopefully they made them home and the kids shared them with you!  They did a great job!  The kids also wrote letters home explaining the information they found about the planets.

Reading with Mrs. Bender

We finished our novel unit, The Legend of Jimmy Spoon this week so the kids did some great book reports!  Most agreed they would of stayed with the Indians instead of returning to the family in Salt Lake City.  We will read part two - Jimmy Spoon and the Pony Express for our next read aloud.

Ag Awareness

This week third graders learned about Agriculture!  M-P High School FFA students (including former KE students Kari Horesowsky, Tayler Foster, and Tommy Stumpf) came to KE increase our ag awareness.  Actvities included brainstorming things that are included in agriculture, coloring, planting a seed, and enjoying a "dirt dessert" treat!