February 18, 2011

KCTC A Paper Contest begins!

It's time for the KCTC  A Paper Contest!

Each week KE students will have the opportunity to win Kalona Kash by submitting their A papers into a drawing.  2 winners will be selected every Friday.  In May, all A papers will be eligible for the grand prize drawing, in which prizes include a Radio Shack gift card and and ice cream party at Yotty's.

Remember, a teacher must sign each paper that is entered into the drawing. We ask that students take their papers home in Friday folders so that parents can see them, then "A" papers can be submitted to the KE office or to KCTC for the drawing.  Remember to make sure that your child's full name, phone number, and address, as well as their school is clearly marked on each paper that he/she submits.

Generally, Mrs. H. will try to sign papers that qualify as "A" papers as she grades them, so most language and social studies papers will be signed when returned to students.  Mrs. B requests that students bring papers to her to sign if they wish to submit them to the contest.  Remember, we may determine that papers that were completed as a class do not qualify as "A" papers, although the paper may be completed correctly.

Good luck!

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