October 26, 2012

This n That

Iowa Assessments
Next week we'll begin taking the Iowa Assessment tests (formerly ITBS).  We will take the tests October 29 - Nov 3.    Please help your child to be prepared for testing by eating a healthful breakfast and getting a full night's sleep.  Many thanks to those who have volunteered to provide "brain food" for students during testing.  

We practiced taking some sample tests so that students could get a feel for what the testing will be like.  After a few practice rounds, they caught on.

P/T Conferences
We look forward to meeting with our third grade families next week (and the following week) for conferences.  If you are unsure of the date/time of your conference, please contact your child's homeroom teacher.

The students are so very excited to be allowed to blog from home . . . If you haven't read this post on how to help your child blog at home (and to learn how YOU can read/comment on the kidblog entries, please take a moment to read all about it.

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