May 19, 2012


*Picnic forms were due on Friday.  Please email your teacher or return your form by MONDAY!  (We need to know how many are attending our pot luck and if your student is leaving with you that day.)

*Swimming on Tuesday.  We will be walking to the pool in the afternoon.  Remember to sent items marked with your student's name.  If the kids want to come to school in their swimsuit with clothes on top that is fine.  Just remember to send clothes for them to change into after swimming.  (We don't leave until after lunch and they will have time to change at the school before we leave.)  When we return from the pool the kids will have popcorn for a snack.

*Last Day Potluck.  Food should be at school by 11:00 but the third grade does not eat until 11:30.  You are welcome to join your student in a recess while you wait.

*Last Day - Remember you need to check out your student with your classroom teacher on the last day of school.  Report cards will only be given to the parents!

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