October 5, 2012


This week we began wrapping up our Water Cycle and Matter unit.  For the final project, the kids are creating their own experiment to do.  Lots of hard thinking!

Some of the experiments we will be working on next week include:

  • Will a small lid evaporate first or a bigger lid?
  • Which would evaporate first, a lid with hot water or cold water?
  • How much runoff would there be if there was an inch of rain?
  • Is there more water under a tree or out in the open?
  • How does lava evaporate?
  • How long does it take a candy bar to melt?
  • What happens when you put melted butter in the sun?
  • How long does it take ice to evaporate?
  • How does fruit punch turn into a gas?
  • When we sit a glass of water outside when it rains, will it still evaporate?

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