October 21, 2011

Friday! {Stations}

It's already Friday again!  A few reminders/announcements as we wrap up the week:

• Thanks to those who have already turned in the lime green conference form.  If you haven't turned yours in yet, please do asap so that we can schedule your exact conference time and date.  You will receive a note verifying your conference time soon.

• The KE Boosters are sponsoring a School Spirit and Pride clothing fundraiser.  An envelope with ordering information will be sent home today with each family's youngest and only child.  The apparel includes cool t-shirts and hoodies that would make great holiday gifts!  Be sure to take a look! (PSSST - If you'd like your order to be a surprise, send it in a plain envelope and include a note that your order is a surprise and should NOT be sent home with your child when it arrives). 

• ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills - actually now called the Iowa Assessment Test) time is coming up!  KE students will be testing the weeks of 10/31 - 11/11.  It will be especially important during this time for students to get a good night's rest and to eat breakfast every morning so that they are ready to do their best on the tests.  We're also asking that families help supply healthy snacks ("brain food") for each day of testing.  Look for a yellow note regarding this in your child's folder, and let us know if you're willing to provide snack for the class.  Thanks for your help!

Today's stations included creating an origami lantern, reading Time For Kids magazine and completing a graphic organizer with information about this week's cover story, catching up on math assignments, and working on science brochures.  Whew! It was a busy afternoon!

Typing brochures for science

Reading Time for Kids


Working on math assignments

Making lanterns

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