October 3, 2011

Notes from the County Naturalist

We are looking at a beautiful fall this year.  Get outside with your children and enjoy the colors.  Good places to visit are Hayes Timber within Washington, Sockum Ridge southeast of Washington, and Brinton Timber northwest of Brighton.  Younger children can be engaged by sorting leaves by color, shape and size.  With older children, bring out field guides to identify tree names.  Adopt a tree and watch how it changes over the next few weeks.  Document the changes through drawings and descriptive paragraphs.  Collect a selection of nice, not dry, leaves of various shapes and colors.  Press them by putting them between sheets of white paper and placing several heavy hardcover books on top.  After several days, use the pressed leaves to create works of art, collages, or even nature scenes.

:  Our annual Halloween Hike is the evening of October 15 and includes a traveling prairie display, a pumpkin carving contest, as well as the normal trail challenges.  

Pamela Holz
Washington County Conservation Board
2943 Highway 92
Ainsworth, IA 52201
Phone:  319/657-2400
Fax:  319/657-2500
Cell:  319/461-1664
E-mail:  wccbnaturalist@iowatelecom.net
web:  co.washington.ia.us/departments/conservation

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